It’s nice that it ain’t all brown!!!! We left Santa Fe over a month ago and headed to Little Rock – where it is SPRING! Budding trees! Bright tulips! New Mexico sure did a number on our rig!!!! We enjoyed our time in Little Rock, however, there were definitely problems! We hooked up…
Tag: Little Rock
September 13, 2019 – Last Night in Little Rock
On the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again!!!! After almost two months in either Birmingham, Alabama or Little Rock, Arkansas, we’re spending our last night by the Arkansas River before heading west again! It is a beautiful night with a full moon. This site, directly on the river side at…
August 22, 2019 – Knit 2 Together, Russellville, Arkansas
Every time I think I’m out, they pull me right back in!!!!! So, we are back in Little Rock for a couple of weeks and enjoying spending some time in old stomping grounds. Unfortunately, the temperature and heat index has been incredibly high and we are missing the low humidity of the west and haven’t…