Well, we’ll just pretend it’s a new shop!!!! Last weekend I spent a couple of days attending a mini-retreat at The Loopy Ewe, a yarn shop in Fort Collins! The shop’s original owners decided to retire and closed the shop in May but thankfully a new owner (who had been working there part-time) opened the…
Tag: knitting
February 4, 2022 – It’s Definitely Winter!
It’sa freakin’ Winter Wonderland!!! Well hello all! As you can see from my title It’s Definitely Winter here! We have finally had our very first REAL snow with 12 inches of the powdery stuff and brilliant blue skies as the backdrop – it just took till February to get here! January was a little dreary…
August 7, 2021 – Mount Rainier National Park
It’s just right there!!!! As we’ve been driving around Seattle, we have had a couple of magnificent views of Mount Rainier – from a distance of course and have been very excited about seeing it up close. After checking the weather which, by the way, has been absolutely beautiful since we’ve been here, we decided…
June 5, 2021 – Manhattan, Kansas
Head west, young man!! It’s been quite month since I last posted. We said “see ya soon” to our oldest and his wife in Biloxi and headed back to Little Rock. It was a quick week in Little Rock – we tried to get our RV roof fixed correctly since it still had wrinkles in…
August 24, 2020 – Omaha, Nebraska
Honey Wagon, more like honey draggin’, am I right?!?!?!?!? After leaving Kansas, we headed up to Omaha, Nebraska to visit our oldest and his wife. It is just a short little jaunt of 3 hours to get from Manhattan, KS to Omaha! We were unable to find any full hookup RV sites (which includes water,…
August 8, 2020 – Manhattan, Kansas
We’re off to see the Wizard!!!! After a lovely stop in St. Louis, the hubs and I headed to Manhattan, Kansas where one of our sons and our daughter live. I haven’t seen them since March and the hubs since December, so we are quite excited! I had a little trouble finding an RV park…
February 7, 2020 – Catching Up
Be careful what you wish for!!!!! Well, its been a while since I last wrote. Our time in Virginia is quite different than last year. The hubs was almost always working out of our fifth wheel which meant I could take the truck and go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted. Here in Virginia, he…
August 12, 2019 – Alabama
We won’t make this mistake again!!!!! Well, we high-tailed it to Alabama to get warranty work done on our fifth wheel at Dixie RV. We moved in with my parents for the week thinking it would take some time. We got a call the afternoon that we dropped it off saying, “Good news and bad…
June 18, 2019 – My Sister Knits and Lambspun, Fort Collins
Well, this is a beautiful neighborhood!!!! I visited two of the loveliest shops today! I drove up to Fort Collins and went to My Sister Knits. The shop is located in the carriage house of a lovely home on Mountain Avenue, which is a grand street with a tree lined median running through the middle….
May 25, 2019, Knitting and Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs, Colorado
It should be ready by next fall!!!! I’ve been working like crazy on my Boxy sweater especially while riding in the truck on the way back and forth to Denver and Colorado Springs, but I’m still not finished with the body….sigh. I have reached about 15 inches though – only 3 more to go! I’m…