It’s been a wonderful weekend here – sun shining, mid-70’s temperature and fun things to do! We drove over to Denver Friday to explore and hang out until the Rockies baseball game at 6:30 pm. As I mentioned before, we are about an hour and half from Denver and Colorado Springs.
The area in the part of Colorado that we are staying is very flat BUT, as you start to drive closer to Denver you can see Pike’s Peak way off to the left of I-70 and of course, at the same time all three of us say, “OH, LOOK, MOUNTAINS!!”. At first glance the snow on top could just be clouds but no, it’s mountains.
As we drive closer to Denver, all of a sudden the mountain range pops into view and again, it’s “OH, LOOK, MOUNTAINS!!” We’re just not used to seeing mountains like these! Of course, pictures don’t do them justice but here’s a few of the mountains once we got into town!
About as close as you can come to southern biscuits!!!
We started at the Denver Biscuit Company in the Atomic Cowboy Bar. Everything they served was on big cathead biscuits. It was delish! The hubs had a chicken biscuit sandwich with cheese, bacon and sausage gravy; Dare had a chicken biscuit sandwich with pimento cheese (ED. NOTE – Just sounded weird to me!!!) and I had biscuits with sausage gravy and an egg plus a HUGE cinnamon biscuit! There were so many options and definitely a place the “young” people like to hang out and day drink! (ED. NOTE – Hipster Village – and some serious day drinking for a Friday brunch!!!) The mimosas were tasty :).
Now that’s fancy!!!!
We tooled around looking at the many different neighborhoods around Denver and I went to the Fancy Tiger Crafts store on Broadway! It was very unique – when you walk in the door, there is yarn on the right side of the store and fabric on the left side. It would be a great place to visit with Lisa (quilting friend) so everyone has something to look at! I, of course, stayed mostly on the right side of the store. The yarn selection was quite large and took a while to peruse. They had some very interesting locally dyed yarn from Knerd Shop, a skein of which came home with me for a new pair of socks. (ED. NOTE – Good God woman!!!)
I purchased a new pattern from Interweave Knits that I’ll tell you about when I get ready to start them! They had a great selection of kits also. I’ve never been tempted to purchase a kit before today. (I managed to keep myself from the kits by reminding myself that this is the first yarn shop in Denver I’m visiting.) But they had kits for sewing bags and purses, felted animals, the Lopi hat kit (which would be great for the color work beginner that I aspire to be.…) (ED. NOTE – I don’t understand any of these words. I mean, I recognize they are words, but they don’t seem to go together), wooden cross stitch animal figures, embroidery, punch needle pillow kits, and the list goes on.
Several people were there to purchase fabric – the selection was LARGE! The employees were friendly and helpful, the shop itself was lovely and it made me wish I could spend endlessly on things I might want to “craft”. Definitely a place to visit if you are in Denver!
Not the home run capitol it once was!!!
We headed to the stadium for the Rockies game! I really enjoy a baseball game in person and the hubs loves them. We had very good seats behind the first base side, row 14 – CLOSE – too close for all the foul balls that seemed to head that way! We loaded up on peanuts, hot dogs, pretzels and Coors beer and enjoyed the evening. We had an hour and half drive home after the game which could have been boring but it was so cool to see the flashing red lights of the windmill farms! Something I’ve never seen before – very cool :).
Thar’s gold in them thar hills!!!!!!
Saturday, we headed back to Denver (Dare spent the night with friends and we went to pick her up). Our plan was to hit the zoo but we ended up going to Golden instead – I LOVE Golden! I had been there a couple of years ago and it was just as I remembered – GORGEOUS! I think I could live there. (ED. NOTE – Ok!!!) You are in the foothills of the Rockies so it’s a nice surrounded feeling that is so different from the wide, open space we’re in now. The trees are green; Clear Creek flows through the middle of town; you can walk everywhere and it’s just plain delightful! We wandered around and had some dinner at a deli – all the restaurants were very crowded (Saturday night) and headed back home to Genoa.
It’s like a nature film in real-time!!
Another beautiful day on Sunday and a day to stay home and recover from all the driving the last two days. We did head to Limon for some groceries and saw some pronghorn deer in the fields on the way there and back. The clouds made some shadows on the fields that are so interesting to see. I know clouds make shadows everywhere but with the flat fields they stand out in a way that reminds you to marvel over the beauty of nature in our country.
I feel like I’ve been on an adventure after every blog of yours that I read!!!!!