Yarn Matters!
My accommodating and very sweet son, JC, drove me to visit two yarns shops in Williamsburg today! It was only about a 30 minutes drive but the traffic makes it feel longer – there is a LOT of traffic here. First we stopped at Yarn Matters. This shop has been open since 2016 and owned by Marina Hayes. She has an interesting eastern european accent and greeted me as soon as I came in. The shop is not large but has TONS of yarn!!! There is a large section of Virginia yarn that included a good bit of independently dyed yarns and some lovely, natural alpaca from a local farm. In cubbies on one side was Malabrigo and on the other side was Cascade and the shops own brand, Yarn Matters! I think you could find anything you wanted in there! She was knitting a sweater out of the Seamless Knit Sweaters in Two Weeks by Marie Greene. Marina is hosting a presentation and book signing for Marie next weekend. It is being held at a local church as there is already 60 signed up! It sounds like it will be a great time – I SO wish I was still going to be here!
Of course I did!!!
I purchased a skein of Neighborhood Fiber Co. yarn in colorway Lauraville. I know this is the name of one of the neighborhoods in this area of Maryland but I thought it would be perfect for a little something for my daughter, Dare, who’s first name is Laura <3. There were many samples (with patterns you could purchase) around the shop. A lot of fun notions and local items like embellished tape measures (yes, I bought two) and cute WIP (work in progress) needle holders! The only drawback I saw was there was not a place to sit, knit and visit. Otherwise, this is a shop I would visit anytime I could :)! {ED NOTE – The graphics department is working on a new tagline for the blog. Henceforth, the tag will be “One woman’s mission to PURCHASE something in every yarn shop in the country!!!! Please celebrate with us once that work is complete}
The Flying Needles
The next shop was in a shopping center in Williamsburg, The Flying Needles. This shop has a comfortable, warm feeling to it, a nice set of couches and chairs up front by the windows to sit and knit. The owner, Susan, greeted me and asked if I needed any help. She had a good selection of yarn including Encore and Berroco and these adorable project bags with the shop name, little handles and pockets – Love it! I purchased some Galway red yarn to make myself a hat to go with the pom pom I purchased at the Delmarva Expo! Can’t wait to start on it – maybe on the upcoming drive to St. Louis! {ED. NOTE – And now you see why we’re changing the tagline}
Donuts is usually our first Google search when hitting town!!!
We left there and stopped at Duck’s Donuts, a shop that Karen (from the Expo) had told me I HAD to try. It’s shop that sells hot donuts with your choice of frosting, topping and drizzle! OMGoodness – why had I never heard of this place?! It was actually a little overwhelming because the choices were endless. I had been warned that at least one donut would need to be eaten at the shop because if you just got them to go, they would smell so fabulous in the car you would try to eat them and drive at the same time which would be close to impossible!
So, JC and I each ordered one to eat there and another six to take home. It takes a few minutes to get them as each one is made to order. I watched through the glass as one by one the doughnuts dropped out of a machine into the hot oil, turned over and taken out, placed to the side to be ready for toppings. Another employee would put them on a plate or box (if to go) and put on the requested toppings. We sat down with a chocolate iced, white drizzle and an “oreo” with white frosting, crushed oreo and chocolate drizzle.
I immediately picked one up to break it in half to share and burned my thumbs and fingers! After licking them off, I again, immediately tried to put a bite in my mouth, breathing in and out because it was so hot! {ED. NOTE – Devil got ya’} It’s not fun when your 20-something son has to get on to you for your impatience…apparently I was acting “like a small child”. {ED. NOTE – Yes she was} Anyway, we each had a half of both donuts and they were YUMMY – but so incredibly sweet I could only eat one (I know, I know, that’s a surprise if you know me well). We headed back to Newport News with the box of six, enjoying a good day and fun night! {ED. NOTE – They were good, even when they weren’t hot enough to burn your mouth!!!}
I KNEW you’d love the donuts! What was your favorite flavor?
Hard to choose but I LOVED the oreo!