M-m-m-my Corona!! M-m-m-my my my my my my!!!
I last posted in Spring and since we’ve been locked down haven’t had much to talk about, so it comes as no surprise that the coming of Summer is my present post! The hubs and I have just hunkered down, he’s been working, I’ve been ordering things online, knitting, we’ve been walking the pups and generally going about with every day life. (Ed. Note – A hunkered down ‘Rona life!!!!) When we arrived at our location in Gainesville, our back window looked out into woods empty of leaves and color – it was February after all. Now, the leaves have filled out and it makes a lovely back view!
One plus is the amount of knitting I’ve been able to do! So, it’s time for a little show and tell!
Well, it’s finally getting some use!!!!
This is yarn bought from Kansas City, MO (see this post) and made me a fun pair of socks! I’ve been using this simple pattern for all my socks – one day I hope to venture to a new, fancy sock pattern but this one is just too easy to remember and carry around with me.
On another previous post, my brother made a hat request, so I pulled out a skein of yarn from Yoth Yarn called “Father” and whipped up this hat for him and one for my sweet niece!
Well, that was fun!!!!!!!
Abigail’s hat is a summer hat, so I picked out a lime green Cascade cotton yarn called Nifty Cotton and a cute little brimmed hat pattern. Well, I know that cotton stretches but this was ridiculous! Look at the second picture below!! It fit my head and looked like something a crazy garden lady might wear! After ripping back to the eyelet pattern FOUR times (I tried two different ribbing sections and two different decreasing sections), I finally landed on a decrease that worked and left a rolled up bottom. At least it fits her and she’s cute as a button so who notices the hat anyway 😉! (Ed. Note – It was funny watching this get made and made and made!!!!!)
The yarn for Abigail’s hat and the poncho below came from my trip to Roanoke with Karen to visit Kristin (see post). It is a Noro yarn with different colors throughout, so you have no idea exactly what it will look like! I LOVE the pink stripe in Kristin’s and it was a fun knit and I hope to get a chance to wear it somewhere besides the house soon!
Wait, what?!?!?!?!?!?
My main knit right now is a winter “throw on anywhere” sweater called Great Love by Ankestrick found on Ravelry. Since I haven’t been able to visit any yarn shops, I went to my favorite online shop, Knitpicks and ordered their Wool of the Andes Tweed yarn for my sweater and one for the hubs. (Ed. Note – Is this gonna be like a Disney World situation?? So we can’t get lost?????) (Ok, so when the kids were little and we went to places with A LOT of people, I dressed them all in the same color – usually red, in case we got separated. And yes, when we went to Disney World years ago, I made the hubs AND myself AND the kids all wear the same colors every day we went to the parks – so the kids could find us if we got separated…One year I even made my nephew, Taylor, dress in the same orange tank tops I bought at Old Navy when we took them to Sea World – he was SO embarrassed!! HA!) I figured that would keep me quite busy for a while! 😊 This pattern is a very interesting, top down knit that starts at the back of the collar and works it’s way down from there. It is definitely working my brain!!
We’re working on plans for our next move in a month or two – I’m so excited!! Tell you about that next time! Keep wearing your masks! (Ed. Note – Yes, please dear God, wear a freakin’ mask!!!!)
I miss you!! Abigail’s hat came out super cute!
Loved these stories. Especially about the Disney trip. I’ve never seen that pic of them. Dare’s smile is awesome! Bonus, Taylor was embarrassed. Baahahaaa!!! I think I need to put a request in. 😊