Merry Holidays!!!!!!!
We’re in the throes of Christmas cheer here in Loveland, Colorado! Fifth-wheel decorated, tree up and trimmed and the hubs fixing gingerbread cookies as I write this 😊. (ED. NOTE – Only the 1st batch burned!!!) We’ve spent more time in Loveland than originally planned. The hubs had emergency surgery back in October and will be having another surgery in mid-January (we think). The UMC hospital, doctors and nurses were fantastic so we decided to stay here for the second surgery. (ED. NOTE – They really were very good!!!) In all honesty, it was the best hospital stay we’ve ever had! Sooooo, I haven’t visited any new (to me) yarn shops lately but am hoping to stop by one soon!
I have been knitting away – a few Christmas presents, my sweater and a pair of socks. I’m not sure I have enough yarn to finish my sweater, it’s frustrated me so it’s in time out right now. Not sure whether it will see this Christmas or not. (ED. NOTE – Well, we really didn’t expect to. But I’m betting it will be finished in June!!!!)
Isn’t that one of the My Little Pony’s????
For the first time, I knit my socks with afterthought heels, they were so easy! (I admit that I missed the magic of turning the heel though.) I used the yarn purchased at the Estes Park Wool Market – fun, rainbow striped Sparkle Pony yarn from White Birch Fiber Arts and two mini skeins from Leading Men Fiber Arts in Out Damn Spot! in red for the toes and heels. The plan was a pair of boot socks for me, however they ended up being a little big. I may need a new plan…but they were so fun to knit!
Remember to take time to enjoy your holiday season – the journey is just as amazing as the holiday!
I love the socks ~ thank you!