Apparently, we were too wore out to walk anywhere!!!
Happy Father’s Day to all the father’s out there! I let the hubs drive me through Rocky Mountain National Park today! (It was his idea – I did offer to drive.) We went through Estes Park to pick up cinnamon rolls from Cinnamon’s Bakery. They are only open from 7:30 – 10:00 and are supposed to have the best cinnamon rolls in the area. They were tasty but had cream cheese icing which is not our favorite. (ED. NOTE – Why you would put cream cheese on a thing that’s not a bagel is beyond me!!!)
Now we can go anywhere!!!!
We drove to the Falls River park entrance this time and purchased an annual nationwide park pass – it is such a good deal if you may be traveling near any national parks or monuments. At the entrance was a HUGE elk with a lovely rack (no jokes, Editor). (ED. NOTE – Ha, rack, get it!?!?!!!) He was so close!
30% of the time it’s effective 100% of the time!!!
We started at Sheep Lakes which is an area where small lakes (ED. NOTE – Maybe ponds is a better description) occur naturally in a small valley. The bighorn sheep come down the mountain in the summer after lambing to drink and apparently eat the soil (or mud, as the Ranger called it) to obtain naturally occurring minerals that they cannot find in the upper elevations. (ED. NOTE – Not sure what lambing is but I’m willing to give it a try!!) The Ranger told me the sheep are seen only 30% of the time during June through August. This is the second national park that I haven’t been able to see bighorn sheep – they must be very shy.
Wildlife!! Yay!!!!
Right around a curve after we left Sheep Lakes was a herd of elk. So, of course, we had to stop for pictures 😊.
Up we go!!!!
We continued to follow the road as it led up into the mountains. There were many switchbacks and, I have to admit, it is a little scary in some places. There were very few guardrails and very little shoulder. It was fine as we drove up through the forest where the trees were close to the road (even though they were TOPS of the trees)! But once we got above the tree line, I had to keep my eyes on the mountains across the way and look out NOT down.
The snow was melting throughout the mountain and poured down in little waterfalls along the road. We went up to about 10,800 feet before heading back down. (ED. NOTE – We stopped at the Rainbow Curve Overlook on Trail Ridge Road!)
Down to Lyons then Longmont!!!!
We came home by following a scenic drive (ED. NOTE – Colorado Hiway 7!!!) down through to Longmont, Colorado. We drove along South Saint Vrain Creek (??) (ED. NOTE – Sounds good to me!!) which I watched out the side window most of the drive – I LOVE driving by all the rivers and creeks around here.
A few more pics to share:
It was a wonderful drive and reminded us of our time before kids when we used to take off and just drive to see what we could see! (ED. NOTE – Sorry kids! There was life and adventure even before you came along!!!)